Sandy Chadha (CEO) and Suzanne Smith (CFO) of Supreme plc ran investors through highlights of strong H1 results which included growth in revenue, EBITDA and pre-tax profit. The company upgraded profit guidance for FY24 on the back of a strong start to H2.
Management discussed each business category and highlighted the outstanding performance in Vaping, also touching on proactive measures already being taken in advance of possible legislative action from government. The team also answered investor questions in a wide-ranging Q&A session.
The full video recording is now available, divided into chapters as below:
0:00:31 Vertically integrated platform
0:02:32 Key investment highlights
0:06:08 Financial highlights & Operational summary
0:09:06 Outlook
0:11:20 Vaping
0:12:32 Branded Distribution
0:13:44 Legislation & proactive measures
0:16:02 Wellness & Sports Nutrition
0:17:28 Lighting
0:18:39 Batteries
0:19:46 Financials & Summary
0:25:44 Questions & Answers
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