FUM rose by 4.3% in Q2-FY24 from £16.9bn on 30 Sep 23 to £17.6bn on 31 Dec 23. This is on track to meet our end-FY24 (30 Jun 24) FUM target of £18.4bn (+9% y-o-y growth). Investment performance was strong, contributing £821m to FUM or +4.9% of opening FUM. Net flows remained subdued at -£98m (Q1: -£70m).
We remind readers that in Oct 23, BM announced a programme to reduce costs by around £4m per year, with one-off FY24 restructuring costs of up to £3.0m. This followed extensive technology and digitalisation investment over the last few years, enabling the group to manage the same or even higher business volumes with a reduced workforce. BM has now confirmed that the one-off restructuring cost is in line with the £3m estimate, and that some cost savings will be seen in FY24. As such, we reduce our FY24 cost estimate and increase our profit estimate as per the table below.
With net flows slightly weaker than forecast, but costs also lower, our fundamental valuation remains 3,050p per share. We also see BM’s PER of 16.5 as too low.