Benchmark Holdings
Ticker: BMK Exchange: AIM

Benchmark helps deliver improved healthcare products and welfare services to the global aquaculture and livestock industries. Rising demand from clients for its products and services to manage sustainability practice and performance underlines BMK's opportunity for significant organic and external growth.

Benchmark Holdings - FY Results - Investor Presentation video - 12 December 2024

Trond Williksen, CEO, and Septima Maguire, CFO of Benchmark Holdings, the aquaculture biotechnology company, hosted an Investor Presentation covering their Full Year results for the year ended 30th September.

Management highlighted the resilient performance in a year of change and market headwinds, and the completion of the strategic review resulting in disposal of Genetics business. The team provided an in-depth operational update for Advanced Nutrition and Health, and a detailed financial review. They discussed the Group's strategy as well as outlook, and then answered a range of questions submitted by viewers.

The full video is divided into chapters, as below:
0:00:03 Beginning
0:00:14 Highlights of FY24
Operational Update
Financial Update
0:27:16 Strategy and Outlook
Questions & Answers


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